Press & Media

Spreading our impact goes beyond gaining visibility; It is a key strategy to raise awareness and mobilize. Through our presence in national and international media and events, we seek to inspire and unite more people and institutions around the cause for which we work. We believe that by sharing our stories and successes, we extend the reach of our mission, inviting everyone to be part of the solution.

Articles in the press

Some mentions in national and international media

  • Radio programas del peru
    tv peru con mamas del rio
    diario el peruano con mamas del rio
    andina de noticias

Articles in specialized media

Some mentions in specialized media

  • Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo
    Social innovation in health initiative
    sci dev
  • universidad peruana cayetano heredia
    Social innovation in health initiative

Press kit

We give you a look at the essence of our project, find essential information, images and contacts for media.

Download the press kit

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